
Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Chuan Tuong Le Quang Luong

Brigadier Le Quang Luong Republic of Vietnam Airborne Commander

Joint Republic of Vietnam armed forces on November 17, 1953

Thu Duc Military Officer Academy class 4 January 6th 1954 Graduated with rank Second Lieutenant and transfer to Airborne Qualify training became Officer of RVN Airborne.

In August 1954 transferred to the Fifth Airborne Battalion station at West Lake Ha Noi.

On July 20th 1954 the Geneva Convention divided Vietnam to North and South with 17th Parallel. The Fifth Airborne Battalion moved to South Vietnam First Da Nang, Nha Trang and Thu Duc Saigon, first with Airborne Platoon then Company Commander, Operation Planning Officer, combat battalion commander.

In ten years with Fifth Battalion, from in charge of Platoon to assistance Battalion Commander. Went to Battalion Commander School graduate with top of his class.

Beginning 1966 assigned to establish the Second Airborne Battalion, this Battalion went to many Operations and wipe out many of Communist battalions, The Flag of this Battalion had fourth times awards with Valor.

On November 1967 became Commander Airborne First Combat Regiment replaced for

Lieutenant Colonel Ho Trung Hau.

First Airborne Combat Battalion reinforced for Hue Tet Offensive and support First Army Division operation at Quang Tri, in the Tet Offensive save the head quarter of first Army Division and Brigadier Ngo Quang Truong capture by NVA and push communist out of Hue.

Became Vice Commander of Airborne Division on June 1972 with recommendation of President of Republic of Vietnam.

October 1972 Assigned form President of RVN became Commander of the only

Airborne Division of Republic of Vietnam Armed Forces.

Second Lieutenant June 1st 1954

First Lieutenant 1956

Captain 1963

Major 1966

Lieutenant Colonel 1968

Colonel 1970

Brigadier General 1972


National Order, Commander – Third Class

National Order, Officer – Fourth Class

National Order Knight – Fifth Class

21 Gallantry Cross with palm

6 Gallantry Cross with Gold Stars, Silver Stars and Bronze Stars

3 Combat Medals.

US Medals.

2 Silver Star with V Device 1971-1972

3 Bronze Star with V 1967, 1968, 1970

1 Distinguished Flying Cross 1971

1 Air Medal.

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